Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hot Yoga: Day Two

So I just woke up after day two of hot yoga. Still sore and stiff, still couldn't get out of bed, but I don't think I feel worse than I did two days ago. On my way to the studio last night, driving myself there, I began to wonder what I was doing and started dreading it--no Megan, perhaps no Carolina, and my standing there on the mat trying not to fall over or faint while a pratically naked man shouts at me to compress compress compress squeeze my cellulitis away... But day two was much better. First, the class was all women, including the instructor, so there were no men in speedos (but the woman standing in front of me was wearing a bikini--I still sort of think yoga is for shorts, at least). And while we did the same twenty-six positions, each one repeated twice, the class had a totally different tone--more relaxed, less physically grueling (I only felt like I was going to faint once as opposed to about five times the first day), much more yoga-y. We held the positions for less time and spent much more time recuperating (I needed it) in savasana, and the hour and a half class actually ended in an hour and a half, not an hour and forty-five minutes (which makes a difference when you are twisting and pulling your body into unnatural positions in 100+ degree heat).

Anyway, I don't think I've turned on my life yet, but the stretching is probably doing my body some good. Onto day three!

1 comment:

evspence said...

I went to hot yoga this morning, too--I feel your pain! I don't know about you, but I sweat like a mother. It feels good after it's all over, though.... :)